VIDEO_01[No Voice] VIDEO_02[No Voice]
Experiment Goal:
- To enable the following features:
– capturing of live video by means of Raspberry Pi Camera module
– streaming of the captured video to custom PC Client using GPRS (cellular dongles)
This an experiment with 1 data + power USB Y-cable and cellular modems at RPi and PC
– Board: Raspberry Pi model B or higher (RPi-Model-B ebay/RPi2-Model-B ebay
– OS SD-card: NUBS (preinstalled/self-made after download)
– Camera: Raspberry Pi Camera module (ebay) or PiNoIr Camera module (ebay
– Cellilar Dongle: ZTE MF190 modem (ebay)
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Pingback: Raspberry Pi Experiment 06: Casing of RPi IR Wifi camera prototype | My Hobby of 'Making'
Pingback: Camera prototype improvements | My Hobby of 'Making'