FBA: Nonets, Q&R

Useful training channels


Trademark registration:



URL Links Shortener:

Product description HTML:

Market research:

Product research:


  • https://www.bank-codes.com/ – gives complete information about some specific bank/branch which is enough to perform wire transaction online

Marketing tools:

Marketing: Approaches/Techniques

Statistics to follow-up

Shipping to Israel from USA

Saving costs



  • Q: It is possible to offer FREE SHIPPING with FBA ?
  • A: When you signed up for the FBA program, you turned management of your inventory, orders, returns, refunds, and customer service over to Amazon. Most Prime customers will get free shipping, anyway. If not, Amazon will determine if/what a customer will pay for shipping. It’s really of no importance for the seller.



  • Q: How do you guys determine the true AVAILABLE inventory and when to send in your next shipment?
  • A: It can be days before items are ready after Amazon receives your shipment. You should follow the process steps below so you can track and better understand how FBA inventory is handled once you ship it. This is discussed in detail in the FBA help pages, but I will summarize the process for you here.
    • 1) Amazon receives your shipment:
      • This means the packages have arrived but are waiting to be opened and processed. Depending on the location and time of year, delivered inventory can take a day or up to a week before going to the next step.
    • 2) Amazon accepts your shipment units:
      • Amazon will finally process your shipment. They will open and scan all the units; receiving against the shipping plan you created for it. This process usually takes only a few minutes to an hour or so depending on the volume of units in the shipment. You can use the Manage FBA Shipments section to verify what was accepted. Simply click the ‘Track Shipment’ button found to the right of the shipment in question. Then click the ‘Shipping Contents’ link to verify Amazon accepted all the units you stated were shipped.
    • 3) Inventory goes into ‘Reserved’ status:
      • After inventory is scanned and accepted, the inventory then needs to be staged. You did not ship to dozens of warehouses, so Amazon will disperse your inventory across their warehouse network. This allows Amazon to ship to buyers more quickly and at less cost to them. Amazon internally reships these units and depending on the distance, units can take upwards of a week before reaching the final destination. The Amazon-Fulfilled Inventory page is where you will track unit status. This will show you unit counts for inbound shipments you have shipped to Amazon (inbound), units that are accepted but not yet ready for shipment to buyers (reserved), units ready for sale (active), and units deemed unable to be sold; usually due to returns (Unfullfillable).
      • NOTE: It is not uncommon to have units be double counted here. Do not worry, it will all work itself out in the next step.
    • 4) Inventory becomes active:
      • As soon as your units are received at the final warehouse destinations and placed in the warehouse, those units will automatically move from ‘reserved’ to ‘active’ and this act will automatically activate your listing in ‘Manage Inventory’. Usually after a few business days of accepting and receiving your units, you will start to see some units become available and your listing will be made active.

    You may want to use the following help page to better understand the process in more depth, but it is 100% normal for it to take time after Amazon receives your shipments for your items to be made active. As Amazon is handling your inventory, your offers active status will be handled by Amazon exclusively. There is nothing for you to manage when it comes to FBA inventory.


  • Q: What does the status “RESERVED” mean?
  • A: Items are in RESERVED for any of the following 3 reasons:
    • 1) Moving of Inventory: If you have multiple units, Amazon may be moving the inventory between warehouse locations. This can occur long after inventory is received if Amazon deems the distribution of the remaining units is not sufficient to ship products cost effectively. In these situations, units can be unavailable for up to 5 days while being moved and re-staged at a new warehouse facility. If you shipped a lot of units, obviously you did not ship them to 88 distribution centers. Amazon will do this so they can keep their shipping costs down and offer overnight shipping because product will be at a closer warehouse location to the buyer. This is 100% normal.
    • 2) Pending Sales: Check your pending orders. Orders that have sold but are waiting to be shipped will have those inventory units placed into ‘Reserve’ status.
    • 3) Product validation: Although more rare than the other reasons, Amazon may spot check inventory to verify authenticity, dimensions and weight. Usually this results in only 1 or 2 units to be placed into ‘Reserve’ status until the verification process is completed — this usually takes 2 business days unless a potential issue is detected and further investigation is needed.


  • Q: Is there a way to TRACK IMPRESSIONS (views) for each of my listings?
  • A: If you’re a pro seller, YES. Go to reports/business reports and then under “By ASIN” (on the left) click Detail Page Sales and Traffic. This will show you traffic for those listings. If you’re the only seller then those are all your hits. its for the listing as a whole not individual seller, but you can see your buy box win %. Multiply total # of views by that and you can get a pretty accurate estimate for your individual views(i.e. 5000 views x .78 (buy box win of 78%) = 3900 views while you had the BB).Glossary of terms for all the report fields can be found here


  • Q: What Amazon US storage fees and how frequently those charged?
  • A: A semi-annual Long-Term Storage Fee applies to units that have been stored in an Amazon fulfillment center for 6 months or longer. Units that have been in an Amazon fulfillment center for 6 to 12 months as of the Inventory Cleanup date are charged $11.25 per cubic foot. (correct on 11/11/2017)



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